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Apple의 최신 소비자용 노트북 제품군인 MacBook Air 수리 가이드입니다.

4862 질문 전체 보기

SSD Compatability between MacBook Airs & Pro's (2012-2017)

I have a spare 256GB Apple SSD from a 2012 A4125 15" MBP Retina.

Is it compatible with A1466 MB Air models from (2014-2017)?

I cannot seem to find a list of which Apple SSD's are compatible between Mac models (Retina Display & Air). Any guidance would be awesome!

Edit: Found this list that gives some detailed info:

Seems that the 2012 Retina SSD is compatible with 2014 Airs.


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I created an article a while ago to explain all replacable SSD connectors and interfaces.
your SSD is not compatible with macbook air since macbook air uses gumstick 4 connector and A1425 uses gumstick 2 with plain SATA interface.

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If you physically review the blade drives pins both the shape and the number of contact pins you’ll see these two drives are very different and the I/O standards and throughput is as well.

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Ah OK, that saves me the job of opening them up then! %#*@....

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I think that it should be, but we should always take the steps to confirm first.

My suggestion is this:

  1. Remove the SSD from the device you wish to put the new one in.
  2. Compare both SSD side by side, are they the same size? Shape? Same number of pins?

If they look identical, then you should be fine, but I would also wait for the insight of another fixer first.

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Yes, BUT even if they "look the same" maybe they are different (Early 11" SSD's are 2 Lane whereas 13" are 4 Lane), although the Q is regarding 13 & 15" models. The same number of pins is a must check though, as we don't want to blow everything up.

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