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Mini flashlight by Maglite that uses a single AAA battery.

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does the maglite solitare work well with lithium AAA cell batterys

does the maglite solitare work well with lithium AAA cell batterys as a revew on amazon said it would be better to put as lithium AAA cell battery in the torch

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thanks Dan I will try it out :) :)

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See no reason why it won't

I use them in my TV remotes and my AA Maglite flashlights.

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Yes. Even longer than standard alkalines!

Another even much better option is Sanyo eneloop rechargeable as a goog charger from Amazon. That's what I use in all of my AA & AAA maglites and the Sanyo Eneloop rechargeables have saved me a small fortune... No more having to buy batteries!


Huntsville, Alabama


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