iOpener은 전자렌지로 가열하여 iPad 또는 이와 유사한 기기의 가장자리 접착제에 열을 전달하는 데 사용할 수 있는 보온 보냉 팩입니다.
새 (검은색, 액체로 채워진) iOpener를 사용하려면 다음 기본 지침을 따르세요. 흰색, 고체로 채워진 iOpener를 사용한다면 이 안내서를 따르세요.
기기 및 수리에 관한 자세한 지침은 iPad 수리 안내서 세트를 참조하세요.
필요한 것
냄비나 팬에 iOpener가 완전히 잠길 정도로 충분한 물을 채우세요.
물이 끓을 때까지 가열하세요. 불을 끄세요.
iOpener를 뜨거운 물에 2~3분간 담그세요. iOpener가 물에 완전히 잠겼는지 확인합니다.
집게를 사용하여 뜨거운 물에서 가열된 아이오페너를 꺼내세요.
수건으로 iOpener를 완전히 말리세요.
iOpener를 사용할 준비가 되었습니다! iOpener를 재가열해야 한다면 물을 끓인 후 불을 끄고 2~3분 동안 iOpener를 물에 담가 두세요.
기기를 재조립하려면 이 지침을 역순으로 따르세요.
기기를 재조립하려면 이 지침을 역순으로 따르세요.
다른 349명이 해당 안내서를 완성하였습니다.
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Christian Kim님은 저희가 세상을 수리하는데 동참하신 분입니다! 기여하시겠습니까?
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댓글 57개
I do not have a microwave because I think it is unhealthy for food preparation. When I need fastfood I often just eat raw fruit which is much faster, healtier, and tastier than most microwave foods.
Does the iOpener Heating also work when it is baked in a frying pan?
R de Bruin - 답글
Hello! Thanks for the good question. Actually we dissuade from using a frying pan to heat the iOpener because the coating would melt. Instead, use a saucepan filled with cold water and heat it on the stove. But be very careful not to overheat the iOpener and not to hurt yourself handling with the hot iOpener! You can do as well without iOpener and alternatively use a hairdryer to heat directly the device you want to open. Good fix!
You are aware thought that there are no proven side effects of microwaving your food though right? A microwave isn’t inherently unhealthy. I think it helps to look at how a microwave works. A microwave oven heats food by passing microwave radiation through it. While microwave radiation sounds scary its really not. Microwaves are a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Non ionizing meaning that it doesn’t make stuff radioactive. Water, fat, and other substances in the food absorb energy from the microwaves in a process called dielectric heating. The water molecules are electric dipoles, meaning that they have a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other, and so they rotate as they try to align themselves with the alternating electric field of the microwaves. The friction of the incredibly fast movement heats up the various molecules. Sometimes microwaves are in fact healthier and safer than there counterparts, because the microwave heats food quickly, the nutrients have less time to seep into the water making it more nutrient filled when compared to alternatives. Also, steamed vegetables tend to maintain more nutrients when microwaved than when cooked on a stovetop.
[All sources can be found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_... at the bottom of the wikipedia page]
nithin -
Its actually halarious that hes like “sure thing! Fry that thing up, lol…gotta put some water down, …but yeah…lmao…too funny
And much more expensive.