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Fix for Vanmoof S2 Not Charging

필요한 것

  1. Fix for Vanmoof S2 Not Charging, Bike not charging when plugged in: 1 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • Under normal conditions, when plugged in and not fully charged, the light on the charger should turn red.

    • If it stays green (as shown) even while the bike itself indicates charging, the solution below will probably work for you.

    • Vanmoof has a great video on how to remove the smart cartridge. You will need to buy the necessary Torx wrench because I don't think it comes with the bike.

    Torx 10 mit Loch Sicherheitsrtorx

    Lutz Bengen - 답글

  2. Fix for Vanmoof S2 Not Charging, Open up the smart cartridge: 3 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • Remove all the screws from the circled plate

    • Pull apart that half of the smart cartridge. There is adhesive near the charging port so it may be a bit tough to pull apart at that end.

    Drei Schrauben Größen Rücklichtschrauben etwas größer

    Lutz Bengen - 답글

  3. Fix for Vanmoof S2 Not Charging, Confirm the connector has arced: 4 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • The pictured connector should look burnt in some way. It's possible that some end up completely melted.

    • Cut the plastic off the wires and then strip them so that they can be soldered to the pins

    Achtet auf den Dichtungsring am Kabel, manchmal sitzt dieser (von Anfang an) nicht richtig.

    Frenz Mec - 답글

  4. Fix for Vanmoof S2 Not Charging, Solder the wires: 5 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • Solder the wires to the pins where the connector used to go

    • Reassemble everything and the bike should now charge.

    DANKE! Dieser Hinweis hat mir mein VanMoof gerettet, jetzt wo die Werkstätten alle zu sind. Habs dank dir wieder hinbekommen.

    Kleiner Zusatz-Tipp: Statt Löten geht auch eine kleine handelsübliche Lüsterklemme ;)

    Beste Grüße Moritz

    Moritz Meier - 답글

    Danke das S2 lebt wieder fielen Dank für eure super Anleitung

    Lutz Bengen - 답글

    DANKE! Hat funktioniert. Mein Stecker sah noch viel Schlimmer aus als auf den Bildern hier. Hatte keinen Lötkolben zur Hand, aber ein bzw. zwei Schrumpfschlauchverbinder haben den Job auch gemacht.

    Tony - 답글


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3다른 기여자 명과 함께

Coleman Oei

회원 가입일: 07/08/22

823 평판

안내서 2개를 작성함

댓글 32개

Thank you. I'm not very skilled with such things, but it worked out pretty good and I didn't find it to complicated.

Marcel M - 답글

sure np I didn't think it was "difficult" either but the description of difficult said something like "requires soldering" so I put it as difficult 🤷‍♂️

Coleman Oei -

Fiddly but not complex. I was using a soldering iron for the first time and just about managed it. Thanks for the post.

Three Sea Shells - 답글

Hi, I have same problem, I think there is a problem with the bms ! Any idea how can I fix it ?

Kreont i - 답글

sorry. dont know much besides what I wrote above. If you have more details I might be able to help. There is also a vanmoof subreddit that has been able to instruct me on how to fix a lot of the issues ive had with the bike so you might try that.

Coleman Oei -

is there a guide for the X2, same issue.

David N - 답글

Did you manage to fix it ?

Kreont i -

I'd think the s2 is similar and might be exactly the same. I think it would be worth it to take the cartridge out and open it up to see.

Coleman Oei -

I have the same question. Opened up x2 and the hub looks different, don’t see the connecter.

Mikhail Erokhin -

It is much more difficult with x2 because here the charging port is not part of the cartridge but it is in a separate box and has to be removed via the front light. It requires among others the removal of the handle bar, the front wheel and the fork from the frame.

Namahsrob - THANK YOU! - figured all this out and wrote it down: https://www.reddit.com/r/VanMoofSelfRepa....

He gives a great step by step description, but I still would have benefitted by smaller and more detailed steps and especially by photos.

Once you've got the box with the charging port out - it took me 4 hours!! - the easiest part starts. The x2 charging port looks somewhat different than the s2 charging port once you've opened the box - I needed true force and a screwdriver to open it after removing the screws-, but thanks to this fixing guide - THANKS! - and the photos, you'll know what to do.

I haven't put my x2 back together yet so no idea if in the end I will have waisted a day of my life or will be truly happy:-)

Wanne73 -

Hi, I have same problem, I think there is a problem with the Darfon BMS!

I swap the battery with another one and works fine.

Any idea how can I fix the bms ?

Kreont i - 답글

Hi, anyone know where you can purchase a new battery replacement for the x3? I havent charged my bike for over a month and when I try to charge it I get the error 19 message and it keeps blinking from the lightning bolt icon to the error 19 message. I'm assuming I need a new battery replacement from what I've researched?

Selfmodjt - 답글

Vielen Dank, hat sehr gut geklappt, habe mir so das teure einschicken 129€ über vanmoof gespart und wahrscheinlich noch ne höhere Rechnung für die Reparatur wegem defekten Bauteil/Kabelbaum ect.

Mir ist nur aufgefallen das das Ladegerät sehr heiss wird bei der Landung, bzw. man sollte auch das bike nicht über Nacht dran lassen

Edster Fredster - 답글

Danke für die Super Anleitung. Mein S2 Lädt wieder !!!

Franks - 답글

This fixed it for me. Only thing was for some reason I had no torx screws at all! The four that were supposed to secure the cartridge were empty holes. Any idea of the screw length so I can buy replacements? I imagine it jiggling around is what caused the problem!

James Milne - 답글

Completely burned connector here. It fell apart when touching. Your manual was great. Thanks! Problem seems to be solved ( it’s charging since 2 minutes now)

Nico Treur - 답글

Many Thanks. I was looking for such information.

Rajesh As - 답글

Hey! Thanks for this guide, very helpful. I just tried it, but the solder part didn't work for me. Maybe I don't have the right iron or tin? Do you have tips for that?

I now tried to connect the wires with a "krimkous" (I don't know the english word). The bike is unfortunately not charging. Do you think this should also work with a krimkous? Or not?


Tristan - 답글

Thank you for this helpful guide in trying times. Same issue here, but when I opened up the cartridge the connector appeared pristine so I did not feel like messing with it. In my case the bike awakens when plugged in and pretends to charge (but the charger led never turns red. The speakers give a lot of GSM-like static. The pretend charging symbol and static are maintained for minutes longer even when unplugged - until the display ‚dies‘ due to lack of charge. Other ideas for a fix?

Wintanclan - 답글

That was my problem and it was the chargingport. Maybe it looks fine from the outside but still burnt on the inside.. .?

Wanne73 -

Thank you for this fix! Works!

Herjen - 답글

Sehr schöne Reparaturanleitung. Konnte so das VanMoof S2 wieder ladefähig machen. Aber auch ich habe Lüsterklemme genutzt, um die Kabel wieder zu verbinden. Hat super geklappt.

Danke nochmal.

Micdareparator 79 - 답글

Werkte perfect voor mij ,de lader lamp groen en werd niet rood de cartridge losgehaald zoals omschrijving en idd de stekker verbrand ik heb er 2 kleine stekkertjes aan gemaakt met krimpfolie ter bescherming werkt weer perfect geen soldeerbout nodig gehad .Bedanktr voor de beschrijving

Dave Gerritsen - 답글

Kun je dat misschien toelichten: stekkertjes aan gemaakt met krimpfolie?

Wanne73 -


Alles genau so gemacht, das Bike lebt wieder, lässt sich sperren und entsperren, meldet aber den Error 29, der sich auch nicht durch zurücksetzen entfernen lässt.

Jemand eine Idee dazu?

Verzweifelte Grüße aus Hamburg


Ingo Kruemmel - 답글

Hallo Ingo,

Irgendwo am Modul ist ein kleines Gummideckel. Dahinter ist ein Micro-USB-eingang (und die GSM-Karte).

Versuch mal das Modul eine Weile durch Micro-USB an einen Laptop zu verbinden. Das Modul mußte dann auch met die App verbinden können.



Dick -

Thanks so much! Per the crystal clear instructions given, my repair went smoothly as can be. My connector was burnt. Last night after a 39 mile ride, I put the bike on its charger. Got up five hours later and saw that the charge was stuck at 84%. Got online and found your charging issue repair instructions, and just now am done. Best Regards, Stephen S Platt

khazarian1 - 답글


J'arrive pas à connecter mon vanmoof s2 sur mon Samsung, comment je fais ?

gadimanagement - 답글

Wow I also had the same problem and this thread solved my problem. The soldering costs literally 10 euro's, just make sure to wrap the wire around the metal pikes and add a layer of the solder to make it stuck. You can do this!

Guus Versteeg - 답글

Super, vielen Dank für diesen Tipp, Fahrrad läd wieder einwandfrei, dachte ich muss das Fahrrad wegschmeißen. 🙂

Roland Salitter - 답글

Thanks for the guide. Fixed my S2!

Ian Sherrington - 답글

The X2 that does not take a charge was already soldered in the chargergate circuit. What else could be the cause of not taking a charge ?

Sebastian007 - 답글

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