Cutting the bad jack off.
Testing wire colors vs TRRS jack.
Trimming the wires.
Testing new TRRS jack vs contact point.
Tinning the contact points.
Soldering on the new jack.
필요한 것
Cut off the bad jack with 1 inch of wire. You need a bit of wire because you will need to test which color wire corresponds to which section on the jack. Every device uses different color wires, so testing your individual device will insure accurate first try connections.
Trim the black wire cover back 1 inch to expose the 4 wires and nylon string inside. Red = mic = sleeve. Blue = right headphone = ring 1. White = left headphone = tip. Copper = ground = ring 2.
Using your colours, please could you help identify which colour goes on which terminal? Working from the tip and going outwards is this correct?
white=tip, blue=ring 1, copper=ring 2, red=sleeve.
Or should it be :
white=tip, copper=ring 2, blue=ring 1, red=sleeve?
In other words, is ring 1 next to the tip or is ring 2 next to the tip?
Its hard to say because it seems like every aftermarket headphone jack is made differently. The shafts are the same but the terminal side you solder onto may come out differently. You will have to run current through the new jack and determine which section of the shaft corresponds with which terminal on the jack. Wiring it wrong several times didnt hurt my headphones. There was a lot of trial and error soldering until i figure out the correct wires vs terminals.
Peter Yang - 답글
Trim the small wires (red, blue, white) by burning the tips of the wires. Seperate each wire and burn them back about 1/4 inch. Then use a knife or razor to scrape the tips clean. The copper wire strands will be seperated and exposed already. Collect all the copper strands and twist them together.
Tin the wires by heating the wire with the soldering iron and applying the solder wire. Apply the soldering wire between the soldering wire and wire to get it started. Then continue to apply solder to the wire. Tin all 4 wires.
Tinning all connection points will help make soldering the wires to the contact points on the new jack easier.
Test your mic and sound and enjoy a job well done.
Test your mic and sound and enjoy a job well done.
댓글 2개
do you have any pictures?
Thanks for the wiring guide - helped me out of a spot today :)