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Late 2012 iMac에서 디스플레이를 분리하려면 iMac 전용 여는 도구로 접착제를 잘라야 합니다. 수리를 완료한 후에는 접착 스트립 안내서를 따라 기존 접착제를 긁어내고 새 이중 스틱 접착 스트립으로 교체해야 합니다.
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동영상 개요
이 단계에 사용된 도구:iMac Intel 27" Cardboard Service Wedge$4.99
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Christian Kim님은 저희가 세상을 수리하는데 동참하신 분입니다! 기여하시겠습니까?
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댓글 20개
…thanks, but i have a crack on the screen as i was lifting it up. after reconnecting, there where lines on the display. what should i do.?
Something you may want to include for anyone replacing their damaged screen with a new one:
The replacement screens from LG more often DO NOT come with the thermal sensor attached, which means if you replace the screen without transferring the thermal sensor from the old LCD module, the computer will go absolutely insane, rendering it unusable.
This means re-opening the iMac and destroying the brand new adhesive strips. Because I had no idea this sensor existed, much panic ensued before I was forced to rip everything apart again and ultimately securing it closed with packing tape while I waited for the new adhesive strips to arrive in the mail....Not to mention the computer belongs to a client who lives 3 hours outside of the city.
Sorry, could you help me? What thermal sensor?! Could you explain?
See the thin twisted black wire on the back of the display in this photo? The one that ends in a small piece of black tape:
that piece of tape covers the tiny thermal sensor at the end of that wire. It is not included as part of the new display, and must be transferred from the old display or your computer will turn into a nightmare.
But this is for model emc2546 too? And how you can transfer thermal sensor? Thank You!!!!