이 안내서를 따라 iPhone 6s Pentalobe/펜타로브/별나사를 풀거나 교체하세요.
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iPhone 하단 가장자리 Lightning 커넥터 옆에 위치한 3.4mm P2 Pentalobe/펜타로브/별나사 두 개를 풀어주세요.
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I noticed both my pentalobe screws wouldn’t screw in last time. Upon checking the little components that the screws fix into were loose inside. Not a major drama but they also seem to hold the charger cable in place… or at least I’ve noticed cables are loose on my iPhone 6 since then. Is there a part I can buy to fix this issue, does anyone know please?
I have an iPhone 6s plus, but I got a new phone recently so I put my 6s plus in my side table and went back to it a couple of weeks later just to see that the pentalobe screws are missing and the phone will no longer charge, I also realized that when I plug the charger in its a bit loose. There was also nothing wrong with the phone before it worked perfectly fine.