
Grammar Check

Last month, I wrote an article on the merits of good grammar in the workplace. The upshot of the piece: I don’t hire people with atrocious grammar. Hopefully you’ve seen that reflected in our repair manuals and posts here on iFixit.org.

Correcting grammar in iFixit guides

Since the article ran in Harvard Business Review, it has sparked a huge debate, including a very well-written response from The Economist. I’ve gotten e-mails, tweets, and comments from thousands of people. Their feedback has run the gamut from proposing marriage to calling me a judgemental jerkface. That’s the internet for you.

Yesterday, the debate spread to The New York Times. They asked a panel of experts, “Is Our Children Learning Enough Grammar to Get Hired?” (And yes, they purposely included an error in the title.) We’d love to hear your opinions on the topic. Weigh in on the discussion here.

Since we’re on the subject of grammar, I’m sending a special request to all the other grammar sticklers. Everyone in the iFixit community works together to write the best repair manual on the planet. We’re constantly getting better repair guides—both user-contributed and written by us. But our awesome community sends us more guides each day than we can proofread. If correcting grammar warms the cockles of your heart, help us improve user-contributed guides that have been flagged for grammar errors. Doing so earns you grammar karma and makes guides easier for people to use. Once you’ve fixed the writing on a guide, you can go ahead and remove the flag.

We’re making the world more repairable, one (grammatically correct) guide at a time. The better all of our guides are, the more people will be able to fix the stuff they own. Let’s get to it.