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2012년 10월 23일에 출시되었습니다. Core i5 또는 Core i7 프로세서. Apple Fusion 드라이브.

209 질문 전체 보기

Partial repair of 5-wire IR sensor connection to logic board

Hello, in the process of replacing the HDD of my new MD388LL/A with a SSD, instead of prying the IR sensor connector out of the socket, I pried the entire socket off of the logic board. The inconvenient result of this is that my Mac mini power light no longer works. (I don't have a remote control, but I imagine that wouldn't work either.)

This broken connector / socket is VERY small and has 5 wires, and there's no way I could fix it. But, maybe I could make the connection for one or two of the wires. Does anyone know what each of the 5 wires controls? I would love to get my power light working again. Thanks! -Michael

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Soldering on logic boards is not a DIY project. It requires special tools, solder & lots and lots of practice... however a local electronics shop may be willing to take that task on for you.

Not every project can be DIY

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I wasn't planning on soldering; rather, I was hoping to have a single wire identified such that I could try to wedge it into it's tiny corresponding hole.

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