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2011년 7월 21일에 출시되었습니다. Core i5 또는 Core i7 프로세서. Thunderbolt. 이 기기는 Mac mini Server 구성을 실행하는데도 사용됩니다.

204 질문 전체 보기

replace internal hard drive with SSD

Can I put a SSD into my Mac mini mid 2011. If so is there a preferred brand or special SSD to buy?

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Hi Stewart!

There is no problem putting an SSD in that machine. I usually prefer the Samsung 850 EVO.

Kind regards


Hi Stew!

Overnight it came to my mind: Depending on your OS you should install TrimEnabler or Chameleon

If you are running the latest version of Yosemite, use the command line and type: sudo trim force enable You don't need any 3rd party software anymore.

That should help extended SSD's lifecycle.

Kind regards from Krautland

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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Its so sad, isn't it ?! Ever since ⁄ƒ⁄≈⁄† belongs to åππ@€ , censorship is not just a word, its taking place. Thats what I just found out on this last of my comments: I'm reading things, that I never wrote! I wrote Yose‚ª⁄†€! What do U read ?! Yosemite!!!!!! What I was trying to write, without being banned for bad behavior, was ' YOSESHITE '! & Now???!!! : Where is ya' ' Freedom of Speech'? Wozniak be praised:

cmd + shift + 3 ( 4 ) still works ! I've got several proofs!!!!!

Efff off & sick my Duck!!!!! I really wonder............

@Alexander - Keep it clean and please use proper roman characters so people can understand what you are saying.

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I installed an SSD from scandisk from conrad Germany.

But what I tryde nothing brings this equipment alive.

Also the company Conrad comes with the righte answer.

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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Did you install the OS onto the drive before you put it in?

Guide daag , Joost! Well, what did do , to animate this SSD! Usually, they come unformatted or at least ' Master Boot Record ' . Did u go to 'Disk Utility' & gave it the ' GUID & Mac OS x Extented ( journaled ) format ? If Disk Utility does not see it at all ( internally & externally via USB / Fire Wire ) , give it back, its chuffed!!!

Kind regards from Moffenland

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