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GSM version of the fourth generation of iPad released November 2, 2012. Model Number A1459 / 16, 32, or 64 GB

43 질문 전체 보기

I was replacing the battery and it started smelling weird

So I was going to replace the back on my iPad and as I was removing the huge amounts of adhesive that the battery was stuck to, the battery started to make a weird smell. So I stopped immediately and put the thing down for risk of explosion or fire. I noticed that I had accidentally punctured the little bridge between the 1st and 2nd battery. What I want to know is A) Can I keep the batteries in my house disconnected and out of direct sunlight in a ziploc safely and not have a risk of explosion or fire, B) How should I dispose of the battery, because I don't want to just throw it in the trash if it could cause a fire or something, and C) are the fumes that I inhaled toxic in any way. I don't feel funny or anything I just want to know. I currently have the iPad in a ziploc bag that is sealed shut. The battery was not warm at all either and no liquid is visible. I have abandoned all repair attempt and am going to just get a new iPad because I don't want to risk breaking a new battery again. The battery was about 88% charged by the way. Thanks.

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Hi Duncan first of all for battery disposal the plastic ziploc bag method will work but when transporting to a local hardware store or even an auto parts store because they safely recycle batteries all the time. I know cause I am a woodworker who has replaced a few batteries for my cordless tools and phones. keep the vent blowing cold air to keep the temp inside you vehicle around 40-70 degrees other than that your fine. Now fumes from lithium ion batteries are toxic but a small amount like that won't kill you or harm you unless you inhale fumes from 8 lithium ion batteries then I guarantee you would end up in the hospital but just to insure you that you are fine here is this. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=w... and go down to the number four bracket where it says first aid.

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Your welcome Duncan ☺

thanks a lot, learnt something new today!

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