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The M1 chip in the Mac mini is Apple's first System on a Chip for Mac, integrating GPU, CPU, RAM, and other components for improved performance and efficiency. The M1 in the Mac mini has an 8-core CPU with four high-efficiency cores and four high-performance cores along with an integrated GPU that has 8 cores.

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Device stalls at Choose Startup Disk - no options provided, spins

At power on, system chimes, logo briefly appears, then Choose Startup Disk. Select the system you want to use to start your computer has no options. Spinning circle, Restart button grayed out. Also does not recognize bluetooth mouse. Using plugged in keyboard. Tried commands and power up options with no difference. Will not enter any type of recovery. Keyboard worked initially to select language. Thought of installing new HD but see that is not an option. Am I left with a brick?

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Sadly, there is no removable drive in this series the new M1/m2 based systems have soldered RAM and flash storage.

You could try booting up using another dive which had the required macOS on it using the Option (⌥) key

Reference: Mac startup key combinations

Otherwise it's time to visit an Apple Store to see what they can offer you for help. Sorry ;-{

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