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The M1 chip in the Mac mini is Apple's first System on a Chip for Mac, integrating GPU, CPU, RAM, and other components for improved performance and efficiency. The M1 in the Mac mini has an 8-core CPU with four high-efficiency cores and four high-performance cores along with an integrated GPU that has 8 cores.

14 질문 전체 보기

Delete Time machine files?

Mac Mini M1 - I made the mistake of moving old backup file in time machine to the trash and it takes forever to delete them. is there a faster way? can I move them back to the time machine disk and delete them from there easier? I was trying to delete the file to clear space for another computer to be added to the Time Machine.

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선택된 답변

Try installing a anti-virus program, like avast, to clear any junk files, large files, and corrupted files.

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didn't work will keep searching

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