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The battery doesn’t work and it boot loops

Hi, I have an iOS 6 Black iPhone 4s and it boot loops when I try to charge it as the battery doesn’t work and I have no clue how to repair it as I do not have the skills and the repair tools. I hope that someone will point me in the right direction.

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First, you're going to want to buy the iPhone 4S Battery and Anti-Static Project Tray. For instructions, there's the iPhone 4S Battery Replacement and the video(https://youtu.be/i196dj1cZls).

The battery replacement on this phone should be pretty easy. Just make sure you keep your screws tidy in the anti-static project tray (Keep the related shields in the project tray as well).

iPhone 4S Battery 이미지


iPhone 4S Battery


Anti-Static Project Tray 이미지


Anti-Static Project Tray


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