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The M1 chip in the Mac mini is Apple's first System on a Chip for Mac, integrating GPU, CPU, RAM, and other components for improved performance and efficiency. The M1 in the Mac mini has an 8-core CPU with four high-efficiency cores and four high-performance cores along with an integrated GPU that has 8 cores.

14 질문 전체 보기

I need help with my Mac Mini

Well my Mac Mini was slow. So I formated it. When I was creating a login for the computer, the energy fell, I was like “oh okay then I will wait it to return” then after it returned it was like if I already set it up. I said “oh okay I’ll just put the password that I chosen” it did not work. Then I tried to reset it from my iCloud but It did not work it seems that it’s not in my iCloud but it’s appearing there, so I’m stuck with a Mac Mini that has a password witch is not the one that I have chosen and my iCloud can’t reset the password. If anyone can help before I bring it to an thecnical assistance I’ll be grateful


Atualizar (04/16/23)

I finally got it unlocked but now I have another problem.

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Atualizar (04/16/23)

It’s in Portuguese because I’m from Brazil. So it’s now saying “the version of macOS in the disk selected needs to be reinstalled, Use the recuperation tool to reinstall macOS or select another disk to initializate”

Then there is two buttons the first one “recuperation” and the other one “disk initiation”

Block Image

Atualizar (04/17/23)

Thank you guys so much for help, today I’ll bring the Mac Mini to an Apple Store to see if they can fix it, again thank you so much for the help!

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Ouch! Did you buy this system new or used?

Dig out your paperwork as you may need it

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It’s new, it’s actually my old Mac Mini now I have the M2 Mac Mini

Sure I’ll find it somewhere

@eugenioaragao - Hopefully you can get to an Apple Store and it’s still covered under warranty. Some countries have Two years others only one.

I just turned it off and on again and that happened

@eugenioaragao - Your system shouldn’t need reformatting or need a fresh macOS. Something is off here.

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The picture you added in your update indicates it doesn't recognize an attached keyboard and/or mouse. You may need to connect them with a USB cable for the mac to recognize them the first time. But it seems like you're making progress.

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I hope I get it running again I’m pretty worried as it’s an expensive computer, my son said if I don’t get it running he will bring it to the Apple Store tomorrow to see if they can fix it up.

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