All due [URL|respect] to Machead3 (an excellent contributor), this model does in fact have power-on pads (you by-passed the problem... so this is for future readers of the posting). Take a look at the pic. Here you go... This is a Mid 2012, but I know for a fact (because I opened up my personal early 2013) the pads are in the same place. Sorry if the pic isn't too clear.
All due respect] to Machead3 (an excellent contributor), this model does in fact have power-on pads (you by-passed the problem... so this is for future readers of the posting). Take a look at the pic. Here you go... This is a Mid 2012, but I know for a fact (because I opened up my personal early 2013) the pads are in the same place. Sorry if the pic isn't too clear.
All due [URL|respect] to Machead3 (an excellent contributor), this model does in fact have power-on pads (you by-passed the problem... so this is for future readers of the posting). Take a look at the pic. Here you go... This is a Mid 2012, but I know for a fact (because I opened up my personal early 2013) the pads are in the same place. Sorry if the pic isn't too clear.