when i turn on my laptop white screen nothing else
from bios till window load white screen only..........
i tried on my external monitor works fine no mistake...
i scan my full system no virus at all...........................
i tried disconnecting and reconnecting the display cable of my lcd screen several time but nothing works white screen only............
but one thing i did't get it........................
my lcd back panel circuit board gets overheat when the display cable is connected well i disconnect it heat goes as cool.............................
the problem is in display cable or the lcd display???
i want your opinion
u ans it i FIXIT
when i turn on my laptop white screen nothing else
from bios till window load white screen only..........
i tried on my external monitor works fine no mistake...
i scan my full system no virus at all...........................
i tried disconnecting and reconnecting the display cable of my lcd screen several time but nothing works white screen only............
but one thing i did't get it........................
my lcd back panel circuit board gets overheat when the display cable is connected well i disconnect it heat goes as cool.............................
the problem is in display cable or the lcd display???
i want your opinion
u ans it i FIXIT
when i turn on my laptop white screen nothing else
from bios till window load white screen only..........
i tried on my external monitor works fine no mistake...
i scan my full system no virus at all...........................
i tried disconnecting and reconnecting the display cable of my lcd screen several time but nothing works white screen only............
but one thing i did't get it........................
my lcd back panel circuit board gets overheat when the display cable is connected well i disconnect it heat goes as cool.............................
the problem is in display cable or the lcd display???
i want your opinion
u ans it i FIXIT
when i turn on my laptop white screen nothing else
from bios till window load white screen only..........
i tried on my external monitor works fine no mistake...
i scan my full system no virus at all...........................
i tried disconnecting and reconnecting the display cable of my lcd screen several time but nothing works white screen only............
but one thing i did't get it........................
my lcd back panel circuit board gets overheat when the display cable is connected well i disconnect it heat goes as cool.............................
the problem is in display cable or the lcd display???
i want your opinion
u ans it i FIXIT
when i turn on my laptop white screen nothing else
from bios till window load white screen only..........
i tried on my external monitor works fine no mistake...
i scan my full system no virus at all...........................
i tried disconnecting and reconnecting the display cable of my lcd screen several time but nothing works white screen only............
but one thing i did't get it........................
my lcd back panel circuit board gets overheat when the display cable is connected well i disconnect it heat goes as cool.............................
the problem is in display cable or the lcd display???
i want your opinion
u ans it i FIXIT