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원본 게시물 작성자: jayeff



The question maybe you should be asking is why did it overheat in the first place, rather than what can you replace it with.

The original card was chosen by the manufacturer to be compatible with the motherboard and it shouldn’t have overheated, so either the card is faulty or there is another problem that affects the card.

It may be that ''if'' there is a problem on the motherboard with the power feeding to the WLAN card that the same thing will happen to a replacement card as well.

Are you sure that it was the WLAN card and not something else close by? Does the card look like it has overheated? Is the fan working OK and expelling the heat from the laptop?

If you want to risk it and to replace the WLAN card then [https://www.dell.com/community/Inspiron/Upgrading-to-an-802-11-ac-dual-band-Wireless-Adapter-for-Dell/td-p/5863962|here] is a link that may help with deciding on what WLAN card to try.

Here’s the [https://topics-cdn.dell.com/pdf/inspiron-15-3567-laptop_service-manual_en-us.pdf|service manual] that may also be of some help.

