Why does PowerBook freeze when attaching files?
I am working an a friends Powerbook G4 1.5 GHz 15". Whenever I attempt to attach a file, located in applications, downloads, desktop, when composing an email (any mail application, Yahoo!, etc), the Powerbook will begin the spinning beach ball and hangs there. The only way to proceed is to power it off. Force quit doesn't work.
I have run diagnostics with DiskWarrior, TechTool, and even performed an Archive and Install with the Leopard install DVD. One possible clue. There was a Kernel Panic when I tried to start from the Disk Warrior DVD. I was only able to use it through Target Disk Mode from my iBook.
I also tried re-seating the Airport Extreme card and both RAM cards. I may try to disconnect the DVD drive next but wondered if this question might ring a bell for someone out there.
Thanks in advance!
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Hi Dan,
The hard drive is bad after all. I decided to load the test version of Smart Utility to my friends machine since he didn't have it (such a great tool). The drive is failing. Smart Utility also showed that the drive has over 1700 hours on it. Not that much time really, but not exactly "new".
Samsung Spinpoint. This may be another piece of evidence for staying away from inexpensive HDs or maybe just a fluke.
Thanks so much for your help!
randy3833 의