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1.83 GHz Core Duo 또는 1.83, 2, 또는 2.16 GHz Core 2 Duo A1208 (EMC 2104/2110/2114/2124)

201 질문 전체 보기

iMac wont turn on at all, help identifying what needs replacing

I got a new imac, and I put my old one to the side unplugged for a few weeks until I got around to selling it. However when I plugged it in to reinstall the OS, I got no response when pressing the power button.

I swapped the cables between imacs and it still did not turn on. How can I identify if it is the powersupply that is the issue or some other component. And why has this happened all of a sudden just because the computer has been unplugged for a few weeks?

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Can you supply the last four digits of your systems serial number so we can better identify your system.

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Hold the power button down for more than 10 seconds (but less than a minute). You've lost the PRAM settings, leaving an old box unplugged will do that, and all sorts of strange behavior can result.

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