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Mac mini 제품군은 2005년 1월에 처음 소개되었습니다.

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Upgrading iMac with Mac Mini

I love the iMac known as iLamp or volleyball or whatever else...

Has anyone replaced the innards with a mac mini?

That's my next project! Any thios would be appreciated.

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Can you please be more specific on what you would like to do?

funny, rab77hp, I seem to be able t understand what Jack wants .... hot that hard to see he wants to move the mac mini into the Imac case, and use the imac screen ....

Then if I'm understanding correctly- he wants to completely swap out the 'innards' or the iMac with the mac mini.

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I can see that being a fun procect - but not sure if the screen on the iMac ends up using a standard cable with pinout you can connect to the video port of the mini. I guess you need a circuit diagram for the iMac

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Corrected Spellings

you missed the spelling of 'project' then! lol :)

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Hi there,

I have the same project with my old G4 iMac

Did you finally managed to do this?? If yes how did you manage the screen connection??



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Post this as a separate question.

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Nope. Screen issue was a show stopper!

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but there is a solution to connect the original screen to a mini

CLICK - but be careful - if you don't understand chinese - it will be very hard to get ;-) (google could help - but not so much)

there is a topic about that on macrumors, but last point was the link to the page above.

i have an iLamp 17" and i'm also planning a "technical refresh"

but instead of a mini i will put in a mini itx board with a core 2 duo - the mini wont help anyway - the optical drive is not usable in the iMac, the whole thing makes only sense when put in without the case and in the end - the mini is only a mini itx board - so why should i buy a pretty expensive mini itx board without the abilitys that some other boards have (mine has 2 vga and a hdmi output, 6 usb 2.0 and since it's a santa rosa board - i'm able to run the snow kitty on it

i'm thinking abit getting a different lcd panel in the g4 - the hanns g. 17" have the same aspect ration and the same resolution as the 17" iMac g4 - but i have to figure out how to put everything together in the lampie

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Wow, Japanese...

So problems are :

-optical driver (should not be so big problem)

- how to fit all ports ont he circular base (firewire, usb...); looks quite difficult

-THE SCREEN (this one is quite tough)

Well, I keep this project in mind and will see this one of this day. I do not have enough time now.


The optical drive is one of the biggest issue if you want to keep the original design - a slot in drive can not be used with the mechanism on the g4, so you would need an ultra thin drive with a motorized tray

i would love to hafe a touch screen in my 17* - but since the most drivers are for windows based machines - there would be not so much chance to get a working one with the correct size and aspect ratio

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