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89 질문 전체 보기

iMac wireless keyboard dosnt work

keyboard was working, ive never had a problem with it. i shut the computer down, moved it to another room and when i powered it on the keyboard went haywire. qwerty row, f1-f12, capslock,shift and a few others not working. my search shows a long standing problem going back to 2006 with many suggestions to "maybe" fix it but no one seems to know what the problem actually is,including apple, so they so. i have tried everything,mouse keys,speech, new user,re-pairing,removing plist files,downloading keyboard update from apple which turned out to be an older version than whats already in my system, go figure.all to no avail. at this point i cant even do reinstall of the OS, i upgraded to lion (a long time ago so thats not the problem)which has an internal reinstall system and the 'R' is needed upon booting and thats one of the keys not working. i dont want to buy a new keyboard i have seen posts from others it didnt help. im at a complete loss as what to do.

does anyone know what this problem is or have a suggestion other than the things ive done?

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Examine the new location for interference - other wireless devices, microwaves, motors, flickering lights, even bad wall wiring. Any of these things, or the location of you main box, could trigger this.

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Thanks, i did consider those things although it doesnt seem likely and im farther away from a micro wave or the box that never caused this problem. seems to be a long standing problem with apple they wont address.

You may have to get a USB keyboard - it doesn't have to be an Apple one-they really aren't that expensive... once you get to the repair disk, and/or fix the problem keep it handy for when your battery dies... BTW you did try new batteries in the device, and ensure you put them in correctly?

i think i will try that. at least with a usb keyboard i wont lose to much money if it doesnt work.

yes,new batteries. i wish it were simply me being stupid. this is so frustrating.

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