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A television game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment, also known as PS4. First announced February 20, 2013 and released November 15, 2013.

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US PS4 says 110V can I use 220V?

Before in plug in my USA PS4 here in the UK do I risk damaging it as the exterior info etched onto the box suggests it only supports 110V 60 Htz? Your very helpful tear down stated that the US box you examined would accept upto 240V. How did this internal observation compare with the external info please?

ie. Are they simply printing this to prevent people like me from saving £80 on the PS4 cost by purchasing it in the US then flying it back to the UK?

Many Thanks Roger S


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OK, so back in the UK now. Both opinions reviewed and decided to give it a go- hey presto my USA bought PS4 works ;-)) "Best Buy"

I've left it on now for an hour. No extra heat, noise or even any smoke!!

All good. Thanks for your tear down and advice (jackintosh11).

It might say 110V on the outside but obviously it also works on 240V as stated in the tear down.

Hey Roger S, I hope that your ps4 still working without problems with the 220v.

Your confirmation is highly appreciated.

Thank you.


In answer to your question, YES the USA bought PS4 still works ok here in the UK on 220 V.

No problems at all;-))

Cheers Roger S

Roger S.. Thank you very much :)

THANK YOU so much everyone for your clear and concise answers on this thread. I am about to move from the UK to the USA and take my PS4 with me and this has put my mind at rest that all will be fine with the console.

MY QUESTION - should I go out and buy the cable from Sony with a US plug on the end to use my PS4, or can I just use my UK cable and use a £3 travel adaptor to make it fit into the plug socket? Is using an adaptor all the time an increased fire risk?

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선택된 해법

Just like the PS3, the PS4 has a "universal" power supply good for 100–240V AC (50/60Hz). The specific power rating is 250 watts and it is certified by Underwriters Laboratories for these specifications.

tl;dr - Yes.

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점수 7

댓글 8개:

Is PS4 Pro bivolt? 110-220v? my regards!

Sorry Rafael, never seen your comment. The PS4 Pro is indeed universal as well. Cheers

Thank you everyone

what about Playstation VR ? also universal ?

What about PS 4 slim? Does that too have universal power supply ?

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Yes, it will work.

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점수 7

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Thanks Jackintosh11.

Are you saying this as someone who has personal experience of plugging a USA bought PS4 into a 240V (eg UK) power grid please? Or perhaps you are part of the tear down team, I don't know?

Cheers Roger S

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I have gotten ps3 slim from north america and connected it to a 220 to 240 voltage and it works just fine so also does the ps4 i got from north america, they all have either 110 or 120 volt on them but they can hold higher voltage which is a smart move by sony. All you need to do is change the power cord that connects to the wall and your console will work fine.



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just wanna share my experience, i just bought a ps4 slim in japan. i work in a ship, so when i tried my ps4 on our ship not knowing what the exact voltage is (reckless). it worked really just fine and the guys told me that the ship was 220v, so yes! it will work.

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They are all 110-220v.

The BIG problem is the Zone for games and DVD's.

All America is Zone 1.........we and bloody Europe are Zone 2, Zone 3 is Asia and Zone 4 is where 99% of people can't buy them!!!!

Hope that helps all of you not aware that unless you buy a pirated game somewhere, which are hacked to all Zones, picking up a game or DVD in the USA will not play on your XBox One or PS4.



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sorry I don't understand. I have UK PSN account but I am in Japan now and I want to buy FIFA 18 here, will it work?

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For those of you that think sony might want you to buy another PS4 in another place to get there products sold more, is not fully the case here. I know it could say Universal, (meaning the PS4 should work everywhere) but that's not how companies work these days. Think about it, what if it "did" say Universal? You wouldn't know what's recommended, so what if you need to replace the easiest and simplest thing in your PS4, but you need the exact Voltage, that would mess up your day... not to mention your PS4. But I know that it "could" say "this PS4 is universal, but 120V is recommended," but sadly they don't have that these days. They don't expect you to take your PS4 everywhere you go, (which is pretty stupid because what to we do 24/7?) they put the voltage number based on where it was made.

'Hope this comment was helpful to anyone

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I have bought PS4 just from Australia. Can I use the same in India ? Or it require to buy new power cord or just to change the pin adapter and can run the same?

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Hi ,is PS4 slim bought from India also Universal? , outside where the power cable connect, it says 220-240, the unit is made in China

Anyone had experience of using PS4 from India to US/Canada , kindly share

Plz help , I want to. Buy it and after 4 month , have to take it to Canada

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Hi i am from Pakistan

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I don't know the correct answer to that for sure but if you double the voltage on most things it will let the smoke out. It needs that smoke to stay inside.

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Great answer for a Steampunk power supply, but the wrong answer for this question

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Yes you can use the us ps4 in UK. for 220 voltage. You can buy an ac adapter from UK for ps4 on eBay. Just get the ac adapter and its just a chipset removal away from 220v. Then you are good to go.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JAhv9Ed... Time 13:00 PSU Removal

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Why would you want an adapter for a PSU that is rated for 220V? It is unnecessary....

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