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The Dell OptiPlex 745 small form factor is a compact desktop computer that has been a work office favorite, and still sits at desks to this day.

15 질문 전체 보기

Why is my device not reading CDs and DVDs?

My computer is not playing DVDs or reading CDs. Whenever I insert them into the optical drive, nothing occurs and my computer does not recognize them.

Help please!

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If your device is not reading DVDs and CDs, first check for a bad disk. If the disk does not work on other computers, it is a bad disk and there is no problem with your optical drive. If the disk is good, the optical drive may need to be replaced.

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Rebecca Harrison, how about checking if the drive is recognized in the BIOS of the computer? How about making sure that the optical drive is properly connected? How about making sure there is power to the drive? How about checking to make sure that the data cable is connected? How about checking to see if the drive is recognized by the operating system? It's easy to say the optical drive needs to be replaced. How? Why? Remember this is ifixit not ireplaceit (all the time)

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Carson Mould 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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