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89 질문 전체 보기
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No keys responding. QW,12 are all key buttons keycaps on

I don't know what's wrong

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I need help bad

Help us help you. The more complete the description of your problem is (some history behind the problem, when did it first occur {was it dropped or wet - is it used or yours from new?}, what have you attempted {changed battery?} what Application you're using there are many) the more assistance we can provide, and, the sooner we can provide it...

when it first started it was just caps lock and water was on it I changed the battery and tried to fix it using water by cleaning it out

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Yea - water shorted out that keyboard. AFAIK there are no DIY repairable parts on that device.

You can sell it (or keep it) for spare keys etc but get a new keyboard. BTW it doesn't have to be an Apple keyboard, any USB or Bluetooth board should work.

If this answer is acceptable please remember to return and mark it.

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