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5th generation Apple router released on June 21, 2011. It features wireless n which increases the network speed from the previous model.

13 질문 전체 보기

What do I do if I lost my password and can't log-in?

I can't remember my password and can no longer log-in to the internet.

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If you have lost your password, you may need to reset the device.


A ball point pen


1. Turn your router around so that you are looking at the backside.

2. On the right hand side, locate the small reset button.

3. Use the ballpoint pen to hold down the reset button for 1 second.

*Warning: Holding down the reset button for more than one second may result in deletion of network settings.

4. If you have a Mac: Select the Airport Extreme network on the menu bar of the computer.

If you have Windows: Scroll over to the wireless connections icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. Click on that icon and find the Airport Extreme network in the listings.

5. If you have a Mac: Open the Applications folder and go to the Utilities folder. Open "Airport Utilities"

If you have Windows: Click on the "start" button, then go to "all programs". Click on "AirPort".

*If you cannot find the Airport Utility on your Mac, this may mean it is not installed on your computer. You can find the download @ this URL www.apple.com/support/airport

6. Select "base station". Then select "Manual Setup" from the Base Station menu.

7. Click "AirPort", located in the toolbar.

8. Click "base station" and add a new password. This will be your new password for the base station.

9. Now go to "Wireless" and choose an encryption method. The encryption method should be located in the Wireless Security pop-up menu. This will activate password protection for your AirPort network.

10. If you turn the encryption on, enter new password for your AirPort network. This is different than the password for your base station and will prevent unauthorized users from using your network.

11. Click "Update". This will restart the base station. When the base station is rebooted, the new settings will be in place.

You can find all of this information and more on the troubleshooting page.

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