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New hard drive, still getting folder with?

I just ordered a new hard drive after it appeared my old drive was corrupt. Now that the new one is installed, I still get a folder with question mark at startup and I can't boot from an extra drive with OSX on it. Startup manager won't pop up. What can I do? Is there something else wrong?

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Try booting from your install CD/DVD. The new disk is blank - has no startup folder on it. It may not be correctly formatted for your machine (GUID format).

If you have another Mac (or a friend with another mac) you might:

  1. Put the new drive in an external case and fomat/clone a system folder to it.
  2. If the other machine can be put into target mode you could boot from it and use it to format the drive and install an OS on it.

If this answer is acceptable please remember to return and mark it accepted.

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