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26 질문 전체 보기

middle string, of 3 LED strings does not work other 2 work

I have a 3-strings of LED 25-count each strings connected together. The 2 on the ends work, the middle 1 doesn't. Have replaced fuses, no luck, thoughts?

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same issue, i think one of the wires isn't connected well but i don't understand what is that I've done incorrectly.

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I noticed this post is a year old but decided to answer anyway. You probably have either found the problem or used the set to cannibalise to replace bad lights in another set. The problem with the middle set is not the fuse. There is one or more bulbs that probably have a corroded or broken wire. Find the bulb and replace with same color if lights have bulb covers or fix the wire on the bulb.

I answered another post that tells how to fix a broken wire.

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What's the post you answered this on my friend? Having the same issue. I have a series of 4 led strings, capable of up to 41 connected to one. I run one full one on gutters, and 2nd to complete the top to an extension cord to a 2nd extension cord, 22' to the 3rd around windows #1 and a 3rd extension cord (41') to the 4th string around window #2.

String numbers 2, 3, 4 are all trimmed to needed length, String #2 is greater than 20 bulbs.

Lights work on all strings EXCEPT #2....

I tried swapping led bulb in single test socket since light strings 3, and 4 work fine. And nothing happens. I am so confused...

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In many LED strands, there are two or three sections of LEDs in series, and if one LED in a section goes bad, nothing in the section will light up. You have to go through one by one and find the bad one(s). I am going to post a quick and dirty way to of this.

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