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The Sony Xperia Z is an Android based phone that was released in 2013. It is one of the largest phones of the Xperia family with a 5-inch full HD display. Model numbers include C6603/C6602.

98 질문 전체 보기

Phone Turns Off During Calling

Dear Friend,

My Sony Xperia Ultra Z's screen is turning off during the calls and I have to click the power button twice. Sometimes volume is turning down and I cant able to make it high coz the speaker skin is not coming while clicking the volume button. Please help me with your videos.

Thanks and Regards,

Shinto Vincent

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This sounds like a defective proximity sensor. I had this on a few phones, most recently with a brand new note 3 right out of the box. Does this phone have a screen protector or anything near the proximity window? I've found that screen protectors sometimes block the light, making the phone think it is on your face during a call.

My money is on a defective proximity sensor.

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In my case is the opposite one, it starts to act after I remove the anti-shatter film. Is it the film causing that or something else?

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Had the same problem with mine. It worked fine after I removed the screen protector. Have to buy a new screen protector now but that's cheap enough.

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