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How to fix touch after screen replacement?

I changed the front screen on an iPod touch 5th gen and the screen works fine but it's unresponsive to touch! Anyone know how to fix this?

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1/ Assuming that the touch function was working before your replaced the screen:

Disconnect the screen cable from the board. Clean the connectors with isopropyl alcohol 90%+ if you suspect they are dirty or just to be safe.

Then reseat them gently, but make sure they are properly connected. Hard-reboot and try your iPod.

If it still doesn't work, you could be using a defective replacement screen, or may have damaged it during installation.

2/ If the touch function was not working to begin with, even before you tried replacing the screen the first time, try a hard-reboot just to be on the safe side. If no change, then you could have a problem on the logic board that needs some special skills and tools to find and repair.

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