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The second generation HTC One—dubbed the HTC One (M8)—features a dual flash and the new Sense 6 UI, and was released March 25, 2014.

202 질문 전체 보기

How do I replace rear camera on HTC One M8?

When any camera app is launched, the phone makes a buzzing sound and the image vibrates. It's as if there was a mechanical zoom or image stabilizer system that had become possessed. Without warranty, I figure I would attempt a DIY repair.

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Have you found a solution to this problem. I have it as well

Camera modules are cheap enough on eBay. I just haven't built up the nerve to open up the phone.

Dear Victor,

Have you ever replaced the camera? Didn't you have "Duo Camera blocked" message always appearing problem? If so, how did you solve it?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards

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가장 유용한 답변

You can do as HTC One M8 teardown from ifixit.

You also can see that HTC One M8 daughterboard replacement video. After removing the daughterboard,you can remove the rear camera easily.

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HTC One M8 camera focus vibration please solution

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I ended up calling HTC and they sent out a replacement in two days. Great service especially considering I got the phone second hand through bartering and not purchasing.

was your phone under wareanty?

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