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heat gun Alternative for the glue

Hey guy's why didn't you use a flat iron like for ironing clothes to remove the back of the BT keyboard?

The first time i used it was for my Palm III once to replace the battery pack. I can imagine that this will work with this keyboard too.

Mine left bottom corner was disabled by a small dog that put his feet on it to look out of the window and i need to remove the back too. the whole corner from the caps lock to the cmd key doesn't work anymore. so i think a flat iron will work better with a paper in between if needed to solve the the glue issue.

Most heat guns are at least 150 or 300 degrees Celcius wich is way to hot for that stuff.



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Here's the teardown I did on this keyboard. Even using a glue solvent, I don't know how you repair it:

Apple Wireless Keyboard (A1255) Teardown

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I'm guessing because the heat form a heat gun can be controlled easier since the heating element isn't in direct contact with the plastic. Using a flat iron on plastic and electronics sounds like an inherently bad idea to me, not only because if what i wrote above but also since it emits steam, not exactly what you want in your electronics.

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Not all Iron soles emits steam, on the lowest setting it doesn't you can always replace the paper with á towel.

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