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The third generation of the Samsung Galaxy tablet with a 7-in. screen announced on June 24, 2013. Repair of this device requires screwdrivers and prying tools. The device is available in white or gold brown with 8, 16, or 32 GB of storage, and includes a microSD slot that can hold up to an additional 64 GB of memory.

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Touch screen does not repsond

So one night I put it down on my table on the charger and I left it over night charging, I go to use it the next morning and the touch is unresponsive. I do not have a case or screen protector, I tried a soft reset, turning it off and on again, I even did a factory reset but it still doesn't work. I would open it up and see what I could do but I don't know tablets or phones, just desktops or laptops

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I have precisely same issue. Looking for help as well. Presently cannot offer any assistance.

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