My a/v cords dont work and my console automatically shuts off..

i have problems getting my xbox 360 to stay turned on for more than a couple hours..

on top of that, the only time i can see anything is if i plug in a universal cord to the rear of the system and attach..

i can't quite recall if it was the blue or green ended cord that worked.. but it wasnt the yellow video cord..

either way, the picture is fuzzy and black, and a message seems to pop up immediately before the console powers down but i cant make out what it says.

now, i have haphazardly messed around with the hard drive before.. both the hardware and the software.. i went into the storage section to delete games rather than deleting them the proper way..

and i removed the external hard drive to do a data transfer to a larger drive and back several times, only to fail and possibly corrupt a small portion of data once or twice..

i don't think that's what caused my issue but since i'm technologically illiterate i may as well state everything i've done out of the ordinary.

the console has also fallen a short distance to the ground on one occasion, jarring something loose and causing trouble reading discs unless i repeatedly open and close the tray, and it got worse over time..

my brother has pulled the flap opposite the end where the hard drive was aside on one occasion, causing it to temporarily red ring of death on me but that no longer happens.

if there's any way i can remedy these issues, i'd appreciate it.

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