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Google-branded tablet with a 7" screen. The device needs only prying tools and screwdrivers to fix. Model number: ME370T.

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Nexus 7 2012 Wifi New Motherboard Missing Metal Cover


The (used) replacement motherboard I bought is missing the metal cover circled in red below. Do I need to remove the cover from the old motherboard and attach it to the new one or is it okay without it?

It appears that there are two metal clips on each side holding it to the motherboard. Is there any trick to removing these?


Block Image

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Okay, I got it off of the old one and onto the new one. Basically, just pried the clips back with my thumbnail, aligned it with the clips on the new motherboard and snapped in place.

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llewis2081 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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