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Popular laptop sold by HP. While it comes in many configurations, all models of this laptop have the same basic form factor. The numbers after G60 indicate the factory specifications of the laptop and who sold it.

40 질문 전체 보기

compatibility issues with my hp G60

i change my hp G60 operating system from windows Vista to windows 7, since then i have been unable to install some programming languages such as C++, visual basic 6.0 etc

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When you upgraded from vista was it a clean install or did you lay the new over the old system.Its always best to do a full format and do a clean install, vista can reach up from your past and haunt you if you don't. Did you ever have problems running basic 6 on vista it works best on windows xp and the way around it is to install a virtual machine of windows xp and run it from there. Are you familar with VMware it works great there.

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