unfortunately application installer has stopped

Hello I would like to receive help regarding my tablet Samsung galaxy tab 3 kids sm-2105. When I turn it on after charging the Samsung logo and turns black and throws me a note: Unfortunately.application installer has stopped. And restore to factory and nothing, I can not connect to my pc does not recognize it ... please if I can help I would appreciate it very much and do not know what else ....


Hola me gustaria recibir ayuda con respecto a mi tablet Samsung galaxy tab 3 kids sm-2105. Cuando, la enciendo me carga despues el logo de la samsung y se pone negra y me lanza una nota: Unfortunately.application installer has stopped. Ya la restaure al estado de fabrica y nada, no puedo conectarla a mi pc no la reconoce... porfavor si me pueden ayudar se los agradeceria mucho pues ya no se que mas hacer....

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