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The Wii U is a video game console paired with a handheld device made by Nintendo that allows users to play games on the GamePad. Repairing the console is straightforward as the device is very modular.

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No Audio no Video? What do I do?

I think the HMI cables are fine but I can't get any sound or video. Do I have to replace the main board?

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Check the HDMI port. If the pins are broken or missing, or the port itself is loose in the housing, you will need to replace it.

Note: Replacing the HDMI port will require special tools and skill. You could damage the MB if you are not careful.

Have fun!.

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It could also be a faulty HDMI chip on the motherboard. It sits directly behind the heatsink and if the fan is failing, it will not remove the heat needed to cool the unit, and could cause the HDMI chip to fail as well.

This would need to be removed and replaced by someone familiar with micro-soldering.

You can find them online by doing a search for MN864718. It is a Panasonic chip.

Happy gaming.

Yet another option is:

Connect to your tv with AV cables to see if it has output for audio and video. If it does, chances are that your output settings are incorrect in the Wii U. While you have it connected with the AV cable, check to make sure what the output setting is by going to the "tv" tab in "settings", check that the tv connection shows HDMI. If not, use the pull down menu to change the settings and then recheck your system for HDMI output.

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