How to determine Digitizer p/n
Hi all,
I have a friend's Asus TF300T where the touch screen is not working. He had got it replaced from a local shop when it was broken last year, since then it is not working. As far as I can find out the reasons could be:
1. Faulty digitizer/cable
2. wrong digitizer part installed (i.e. G03 instead of G01)
3. Faulty daughter board
4. burnt coil (mentioned in a post on iFixit)
I cannot find any sight of a burnt coil on the board... so I'll rule that out. How can I determine that the tech at the shop did not install a wrong model... since I don't think he'd have kept the old broken screen, so I cannot see the original sticker on the part. Any way to confirm which digitizer model was originally installed. I'll keep the daughter board option for the last... but first I'd try changing the digitizer.
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