Extremely slow sync following HDD/Battery Replacement

After patiently following the excellent guides on iFixIt, I've successfully replaced my iPod 5.5's battery and hard drive. Imagine my excitement when I connected to the computer and received the expected "iPod needs to be restored" message! Yay, old iPod, new life!

The restore went as expected and I began the process of syncing my library. It is working, but extremely slow. By the time the sync finishes, it will have required nearly 30 hours in total to complete. Total audio data is about 90GB - the new hard drive is 120GB (old one was 30GB)

I've tried connecting to various USB ports on the computer and this has no effect. I also followed the suggestion on this thread, http://forums.macrumors.com/threads/fyi-... - but there does not exist the stated folder.

This iPod never sync'd this slow before the upgrade. What in the world could be causing this?

One other data point: I have a sixth generation iPod Classic 160GB that does not sync slowly.

Any suggestions?


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