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My internet keeps going off

Hey, I was wondering how i chould fix my internet connection. first off i used to have promblems with it going off everytime the phone rang, but i ended up getting rid of all my phones and now the internet just goes off and on whenever it wants to. i have two modems one was sent to me its a multiple ethernet one. the other is a usual one ethernet modem.

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I would start be shutting the modems down and removing it from the power supply for 15-30 seconds and see if that helps. That failing I would try a hard reset of the modem by depressing the small reset button in the back of the modem. The latter would erase all your security settings and such, but it might be worth the effort if it resolves your issue. If these don't resolve your issue, you might have hardware problems.

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If your internet was going down when the phone rang, I'm assuming you have DSL. If you have DSL, then you need to put filters on all devices except for your DSL modem. I like to install a filter at the phone box, and run all the lines through it except for the modem, and put the modem on it's own dedicated unfiltered line.

It's possible that there is a wiring problem someplace in your phone wiring that is crossing the ring signal or causing other interference to make your modem drop. If you are only running the modem, I'd see about unhooking all other phone lines and running a fresh dedicated line for just the modem (of course this is easy when you know phone wiring already and live in an old house with easy access to attic/crawlspaces to run new lines...)

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He already noted that he removed all phones and the problem persisted.

If a ring signal was causing a drop, then I'm betting there is a wiring issue or something that was missed. Have you contacted your ISP about it? They should be able to ping your line with some diagnostics and see if the issue is on their end.

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