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The first of the new generation Nokia devices – the first with a 1080p screen, the first with a quad-core Krait processor

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wont power on, flashing windows logo?

Replaced screen assembly, upon charging to test, it will not power up and the only response from plugging in a charger is the windows button flashes repeatedly. I have read that that means a severely drained battery but that is not the case here as i left it charging for 8 hours with no change. Also cleaned contacts and tried unplugging and replugging battery. Even tried windows software recovery program but the phone will not connect to the computer. Also tried a soft reset. Help?

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Anyone? Im sure there is someone who can shed some light on this?

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what I did is I used another nokia to charge the battery and then it worked fine

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Austin Harris 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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