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The third generation of the Samsung Galaxy tablet with a 7-in. screen announced on June 24, 2013. Repair of this device requires screwdrivers and prying tools. The device is available in white or gold brown with 8, 16, or 32 GB of storage, and includes a microSD slot that can hold up to an additional 64 GB of memory.

120 질문 전체 보기

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 randomly shuts down, even with great battery char


For the past few months, my Tab 3 has been off when I go to use it. When I push the home or power button, nothing happens. I have to do a soft reset to get it back on. At first I thought my battery was drained but I always have a good battery charge after restarting. And I've never had it shut down on me while using it. A factory reset didn't help and my software is up to date. Should I still replace my battery, even though I have never had issues with it draining too fast?

Thanks in advance,


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Thanks for the question.

Sorry for your troubles.

I've looked up the issues thst you are having. It seems that Samsungs Tab 3s 10 inch and 7 inch have been having thw same issues you've been having.

The fix is to open the device and make sure the cable that connects your battery to your motherboard is connected all the way. Some people are using a small amount of tape to hole down the cable in the connector. Shame Samsung let this happen again. Tab 2 had the same issues.

If you have a trusted electronic repair professional, they should be able to look up the issue on google and find gobs of info on the issue and how to remedy it.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.

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Thank you so much for your response. I'll definitely check this out and let you know if it helps.

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