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2011년 상반기 모델, A1278 / 2.3 GHz i5 또는 2.7 GHz i7 프로세서.

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My Mac won't turn on after I replaced Hard Drive

I partitioned my Mac and I tried installing this new OS remix on the other side I thought I'd be able to do it successfully what happened was my Mac got stuck on the Grey screen the apple logo didn't come up. So I opened the Mac removed the hard drive and formatted the remix partition off the Mac.

Now it just doesn't boot at all no sound no nothing what you just notice is the light that indicates when the Mac is sleeping just flashes for a second then it goes off.

I plugged the charger and that works well. Please my life's on my mac I need help fixing it. FYI I followed every procedure from the fixit page.

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My Mac has an almost similar problem I replaced the hard drive and after that it never came on. What it does is the indicator flashes for a sec and apparently the fan turns for just as long and then everything goes off. If I plug it to supply it charges but nothing happens either way. In my case it cannot even boot the system as it seems as though the motherboard doesn't stay on that long. I need help.

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A very common problem in this series is a bad SATA cable. Follow this IFIXIT guide: MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Early 2011 Hard Drive Cable Replacement. You'll want to get the newer version of the cable MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Mid 2012) Hard Drive Cable - Apple P/N: 923-0104.

I hope you have a good backup of your Apps & data!

Hopefully your drive is still OK. You should get a SATA to USB adapter cable (or an external case to hold your drive) so you can test it out on another Mac system. Delete the partitions and reformat the drive. Then re-install the OS from the other system to make sure the drive is OK.

Sometimes when the cable goes bad it damages the drive.

Update (01/17/2016)

Lets try doing a SMC reset to make sure the system knows whats up here. Follow this Apple T/N: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac. Maybe its confused ;-}

MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Mid 2012) Hard Drive Cable 이미지


MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Mid 2012) Hard Drive Cable


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Shouldn't the Mac come on at least without a drive inside? Mine doesn't come on at all just the sleep indicator light that flashes for second and that's it

No, the OS is on the drive and without the OS you'll get a blinking question mark as the computer is looking for it.

Yeah you see in my case even the monitor doesn't come on what happens is the indicator comes on and goes off and it turns the fan and off simultaneously nothing else can be seen happening. No sound no screen lighting up no nothing

@maixperiyon - Again it's best to create your own question as each model series have there own quirks.

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