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2010년 중반기 모델 A1278 / 2.4 or 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo 프로세서

795 질문 전체 보기

Hard Drive not detected and Disk utility wont load. Hard Drive tested.

MacBook Pro 13" Early 2010

I've acquired this laptop from a friend, I had intentions of upgrading the memory but can't seem to get it to work.

Here's my problem in detail:

I get the question mark folder when I turn the laptop on, I've tried to load into OS X Utilities many times and it takes me straight to internet recovery options (pic Below).

Block Image

When that bar is done loading, it takes me to another loading bar that gets to the half way point and the entire computer restarts (pic Below).

Block Image

Every once in a while I can get OS X Utilities to boot and use disk utility, but it hasn't happened in a few days.

Here's what I've tried:

  • Replace the hard drive
  • Replace the hard drive cable
  • Pressing "alt" while turning on (HDD still not detected)
  • Resetting "PRAM"
  • Booting in Target Disk Mode

And many more ... I don't feel like listing, I have a repair background so any button combo you're thinking of I've most likely done!

I took the laptop to the genius bar and waited for them to diagnose it, the technician said he couldn't get his diagnostic software to load and that it's either the hard drive cable or the logic board. I replaced the hard drive cable so thats not it.

If you think its something besides the Logic board tell me what you think it is and why.

If you think it is the logic board tell me what specific piece and why.

Thanks Guys,


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If you have the original DVD that came with this machine, see if it will boot from it both with and without the hard drive connected. Start up holding down the "D" key to run the Apple Diagnostic Test (ADT). Tell us your results. Where did the hard drive cable come from and was it new? Do you have another Mac to be able to run it in Target mode or test the hard drive independently?

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I have done all of this, the DVD just stays on the loading screen with the apple symbol and holding down "D" does nothing. I tested the new hard drive in another Mac (same model), was even able to download El Capitan to the drive and it worked fine in that computer. I did all of that using the hard drive cable from the broken computer, so I know it works.

So it won't boot from the DVD at all with the hard drive disconnected?

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I think you need to boot up your system with an external bootable drive here. While you can do a recovery over the internet based on the the BIOS code (EFI). Your drive may not be in a state that is recoverable here.

Find a friend who has a Mac and bring a USB thumb drive to install the OS using their Mac. Don't forget you need to delete the FAT32 partition these drives have by default, setup a GUID partition map and create a journaled partition using Disk Utility. Then, download from the Apps Store the OS installer program and run it to install the OS onto the thumb drive. Once done copy the installer over to the drive as you'll need it for your system.

Don't forget to bring some beer or wine as a thank you! ;-)

OK, back with your system plug in the USB drive and hold the option key so you can select it as the boot drive. Run Disk Utility from the USB drive and check your drive. You may want to completely reformat it and install via the thumb drive a fresh copy of the OS.

Let us know how it goes! Good Luck.

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Try Safe Mode - hold down Shift when you hear the chime and hold it forever until you see your login screen.

I think your GPU is in trouble, since you're freezing at the Warm Glow portion of the startup process, where the Graphics Acceleration and stuff kicks in. Safe mode will turn that 3D stuff down. See if you can get in.

If you can, then:

- Head to System Preferences.

- Click Accessibility

- Reduce Transparency.

- Restart.

If you can't, we're back to square one :)

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Hi xavier,

I stuck up with same problem, was your problem solved? If so what is that worked for you.?

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