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Nintendo DSi는 닌텐도 DS 라인의 세 번째 시리즈이며, 2008년 말 일본에서 첫 선을 보였습니다.

264 질문 전체 보기

Why does my DSi keep turning its self off?

I turn on my DSi and take my finger off the on button but it switches its self off, I tried holding the button down while pressing things but it still switches its self off! What do I do? I got it like 2/3 years ago for chrissie and I haven't played it for years because it kept turning its self off, I may have got it 4 years ago I can't quiet remember! Is there anything I can do?

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Hi @hancon I am going to say fixing your dsi is actually going to be easy because if your not good at repairing electronics you can send it in at the same site I am going to send you to. I am sure your Dsi has a faulty power button pad or power circuit board maybe even both so just to be absolutely sure you get the device fixed you can get the replacement pads at the same place as the power circuit board which is here http://www.retro-video-game-repair.com/p... now doing the repair yourself means your going to need a way to clean the metal contacts under the pads and I found the perfect tool for that which is here Scratch Brush the scratch brush doesn't work though to get rid of the dust that it creates sadly but there is a brush you can buy for that to and here is the link to that Anti-Static Brush and a Ifixit bit kit for they are extremely useful. final thing I am going to say that you should buy is a replacement battery for your device and then you should be set to go on that part. Now the guides your going to need to replace the pads and circuit board are something your going to have to find cause I can't find any right now. If none of these repair parts work then it could be your touchscreen which are really hard to find.

Anti-Static Brush 이미지


Anti-Static Brush


Scratch Brush 이미지


Scratch Brush


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