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Horribly slow charging after new battery.

I replaced the battery on my mac with a "high-quality" one that i bought from ifixit, this is because the old battery lost its health and decided to get pregnant along the way (literally inflated and was damaging the unibody until i took it out). When i replaced the battery i had to charge it, i plugged it in (it had 37%) and it said it will 26 HOURS to charge to max.

After alot of googling and researching i found out that maybe my charge circuit is damaged. every other person who has/had this issue had spilled something on or damaged their computer for this to happen, my computer is in perfect condition and this is the only issue.

i found this post on ifixit: Slow charging time. Charging with 2.3 watts

He has the same problem because he spilled something on his computer but i didnt. PREDICTION: maybe the unhealthy battery causes damage to the charge circuit?

i also for some reason cannot run apple hardware test because everytime i try to start it just stays on the gray screen.

Another weird thing is that sometimes my Magsafe plug gets positioned in a weird way and the light either turns off or turns green, when this happens my mac charges EXTREMELY fast and the magsafe heats up alot. could this be a damaged connector?

actual answer appreciated :p

Update (04/11/2016)

no one have even a clue to how to fix this? ;-;

Update (04/11/2016)

also keep in mind the old battery was really messed up. i wanted to not spend money and buy a new battery, i had a early 2011 battery laying around with a different connector head, i tried to transplant the head from the old battery to the new one which didnt work so i bought a new battery.

Does a messed up battery/wrong battery have an effect directly on the charging circuit or not?

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If you tried using the rewired battery you could have damaged the charging logic on the logic board if you hadn't wire things correctly.

is the charging circuit directly on the logic board or is it seperate? if i have damaged it then i want to know if i have to buy a 350$ logic board or a cheap circuit.

Yes, the charging logic is part of the logic board. So you'll need to find someone with the skills to fix the logic board or replace it.

Is there any way to know for sure this is the issue? i am willing to break down the laptop if necessary. because i dont want to replace/fix anything without knowing the results.

Did you replace the battery yet? I would start off there.

Not much you can do here without deeper skill set, schematics and the correct tools.

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Check the mag-safe port and see if something is in there blocking a good connection. Also use a toothpick to test the retractability of the pins on the adapter to see that they are extending fully.

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I would add, is the contacts nice and shiny and is the plastic melted on the MageSafe connector? If it is I would replace the DC-In Board.

No, everything on the mac is clean, as for the charger, my dad recently bought a thunderbolt display which has a built in magsafe connector which has the same exact results so its not from my charger. it seems like its the DC in board. i already spent alot of money on this laptop lol

At this point I would try a SMC reset. Disconnect the battery and the Mag-safe adapter. Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds. The hook it back up and see if the problems is gone.

This issue cannot be solved by an SMC reset, i have tried everything. The final issue is a broken charger circuit which either needs a Logic Board replacement or proper skilled repair.

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