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2세대 iPhone. Model A1241 / 8 또는 16GB 용량 / 검정 또는 흰색 플라스틱 뒷면. 첫 번째 iPhone보다 수리는 더 간단하며 스크루드라이버, 비집는 도구 그리고 흡입 도구가 필요합니다.

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Do the 2 screws by the home button break the circuit?

i just wanted to know if when all three ribbon cables are connected should the phone turn on/respond even if not fully reassembled (ie screews not back in place)?

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The 2 screws next to the "do not remove" sticker help make contact with battery prongs and antenna pin. I think these are the minimum to check iPhone is working.

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Im not sure if we're talking about the same screws or not? Do you mean the two at the very bottom of the assembled phone, either side of the charger plug? Do those have to be connected to power the phone?

No. They hold the 2 halves of phone together. They don't make a difference in function of phone. The 2 I'm on about are on the motherboard. Bottom right . I think your problem is prob connector 1 for LCD. Try hard reset to see if this wakes the phone or open again and reconnect. Honestly sometimes it can take many tries. If it keeps popping up you can try thin bit of foam on top of connector. Why have you taken phone apart?Btw phone usually doesn't work without LCD connected

Sorry im ot sure what you mean by 'hard reset'?

Also where you mention the phone not working without LCD connected, do u mean the display specifically or the whole phone? Because it is making noises,vibrating when switch flicked and connects to computer (even when top half of phone is not screwed in place).But still no display and when sim card is in only goes through to voicemail.

Press and hold the power and home button for 10 seconds until apple appears, then leave to reboot. Takes about 30 secs

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your lcd maybe not fully on meaning u must plug it back in or another possibility is check the tiny metal clips on the motherboard and on the cable c if you see all the tiny metal rows if 1 is missing it causes the lcd to malfunction. the 2 screws at the bottom of the iphone have nothing to do with the phone they are only there to support the bottom to the top. also make sure that when u try to turn on the phone the screen is back in place or else it wont turn on. hope that helps

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Hi sorry im not clear on what the 'tiny metal clips' are? Also where you mention the screen has to be back in place do you mean fully assembled and screwed in? Because the phone is showing signs of being on (noises, vibrate and connects to computer)even when top half and even cable 1 are not in place, however there is no display on screen and only goes to voicemail when called

I think he's referring to actual connector on the motherboard for LCD. If you look closely you'll see 2 rows of gold pins which the cable connects to. Check for broken/ bent pins and also for dust. Because you can't see the display you may hear the phone noises nut not be able to do anything as you can't see what you're activating. If you think it's connected right I'd next look at whether you bought part from reliable source and that you ordered the right part for your phone. 3gs isn't compatible with 3g. I also ordered a screen that didn't fit connector... It was one of the early models and also had extra pin connector for dock!

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If you are talking about the two big external scrows in the bottom of the iphone betwean the speaker and the mic.

these are only for holding the LCD and has nothing to do with circuit, and you can run the device without them.

even if the LCD is not fully reassembled you still can run it (but the 3 cables under the LCD must be pluged well).

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