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Furby was a popular electronic robotic toy resembling a hamster/owl-like creature which went through a period of being a "must-have" toy following its launch in the holiday season of 1998, with continual sales until 2000. Furbies sold 1.8 million units in 1998, 14 million units in 1999, and altogether in its three years of original production, Furbies sold over 40 million units.

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furby moves but will not talk

furby turns on and moves around as well as makes the sound of the motor running , but it will not talk, how can I fix this problem

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You can check the wire contacts on the speaker and clean them, make sure all the wires are properly connected. If the wires are all connected to your furby/ furby boom, then you need a donor furby boom to swap out the speakers. They sell some pretty cheap broken furbys/Furby booms on ebay, that way the broken furby can use its working speaker in your furby to fix it. Furby and Furby boom's speakers are very similar and same in diameter. If this does not work, then the furby is paralyzed meaning the small 6V brushless DC motor went wrong.. You can replace it with one from a PC DVD reader (this is the door opener motor). Shaft is smaller but it's ok, diameter is good. You need a solder iron as well to replace electronic part from DC motor.

This video may help: https://youtu.be/Xn5a07DFh9k

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Furby will not speak,tried pressing thru the speaker hole and still no sound. What else can I try, all other functions work ok.Help

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You can check the wire contacts on the speaker and clean them, make sure all the wires are properly connected. If the wires are all connected to your furby/ furby boom, then you need a donor furby boom to swap out the speakers. They sell some pretty cheap broken furbys/Furby booms on ebay, that way the broken furby can use its working speaker in your furby to fix it.

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