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Fourth generation of iPad, released November 2, 2012, available in 16, 32, or 64 GB models. Model Number A1458

218 질문 전체 보기

Ipad in black screen can only be detected in DFU mode

My Ipad suddenly shut off, no response while pressing home and power buttons, pc cannot detect Ipad, and can only be detected in DFU mode, but while trying to restore it in ios 9.3.1, Itunes displayed "waiting for Ipad" and Ipad disconnects itself from pc while restoring.

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This just happened to me with my iPhone, although I threw it against the wall first. Basically if you are unable to get it out of DFU/Recovery mode using the methods listed when you google "How to get iPad out of Recovery Mode" there is likely a blown fuse on the logic board. Does the iPad get hot when you have it connected? Then this is likely the issue.

It could also be that your battery finally gave out, and it could be time for a new one. Try the methods when you google that above, and see if it works. If not, it may be destined for the shredder, and in that case I hope you had iCloud set to automatically back up everything.

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Yes Sir Matt Gordon, Ipad gets hot when I connected it to itunes at DFU mode.

Then likely it is a blown fuse. It would require board level repair, which you can find but it is rather expensive I believe. It is not something you can just swap and go, its something that is running hot and causing the recovery mode to kick in. Sorry :(

Hey there what fuses do i need to check?

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Hello could you fix the problem? I have the same problem but when i restore it on mac it says error 4014

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